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Results 6 resources
The technological developments of the twenty-first century have enabled the emergence of alternative teaching-learning models and instructional tools. One of the concepts brought about by such developments is mobile learning. The aim of this study was to test the effect of mobile learning on students’ mathematics achievement. A systematic database search that included the Academic Search Complete, Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), EBSCO, JSTOR, ScienceDirect, Taylor & Francis...
This study seeks scientometric, content and co-occurrence analysis of systematic review and Meta-analysis articles in the feld of gamifcation in education. In terms of purpose, this is an applied study and regarding type, it is a scientometric and co�occurrence analysis. The researchers conducted a search in WoS, Scopus and Pub�Med databases. The abstract and full text of 25 out of 71 articles were selected to be included in the study. Then, the citation and altmetrics indicators were...
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of digital stories on academic achievement. In order to achieve this purpose, meta analysis method was used in the study. Within the scope of the study, ERIC, Google Academic, YÖK Thesis Center, ProQuest, Science Direct and ULAKBİM databases were scanned and 23 studies (10 theses, 13 articles) were included in the meta-analysis using the criteria determined by the researchers. Cochran’s X2 (Q = 285,155, p < .05) test was conducted to test...
This review describes a meta-analysis of findings from 50 controlled evaluations of intelligent computer tutoring systems. The median effect of intelligent tutoring in the 50 evaluations was to raise test scores 0.66 standard deviations over conventional levels, or from the 50th to the 75th percentile. However, the amount of improvement found in an evaluation depended to a great extent on whether improvement was measured on locally developed or standardized tests, suggesting that alignment...
This study quantitatively synthesized the empirical research on the effects of social context (i.e., small group versus individual learning) when students learn using computer technology. In total, 486 independent findings were extracted from 122 studies involving 11,317 learners. The results indicate that, on average, small group learning had significantly more positive effects than individual learning on student individual achievement (mean ES = + 0.15), group task performance (mean ES = +...
Outcome measure
- Engagement (1)
- Learning
- Motivation (1)
Instructional domain (subject)
- Computing (2)
- Languages (1)
- Literacy (2)
- Mathematics
- Multiple (3)
- Science (3)
- Social Studies (2)
- STEM (1)
Education Level and Type
- ECE 0-7 (1)
- High school 16-18 (1)
- Informal education (1)
- K-12 (5)
- Middle school (1)
- Primary 7-10 (1)
- Tertiary
Groups of students
- _No mention (1)
- Low-performing (1)
School or home
- _No mention (1)
- Mixture (1)
- School (1)
Moderating variables
- __ no obvious moderating variables (1)
- Assessments (1)
- Country / culture (1)
- Design-type/ testing instruments (1)
- Grade/education level (1)
- Length of time (2)
- Multiple exposures (1)
- School-level factors (1)
- Subject (2)
- Teacher involvement (1)
- Tech structure (2)
Tech Hardware
- Computer (2)
- E-book hardware - e.g. kindle (1)
- Mobile/Smartphone (1)
- Multimedia (1 or more) (2)
Tech Software
Tech mechanism
- _No mention (1)
- Gamification (1)
Learning Approach
- _No mention (1)
Teacher Pedagogy
- _No mention (2)
- Group learning (1)
- Peer learning (1)
Research methods
Effect size/ heterogeneity
- HIC (high income) (2)
- Mixture or unknown (3)
Quality of research
- High: 6+ (3)
- Medium: 4 or above (2)
Geography if specific
- _no mention (1)
- Mixture (1)
- Turkey (1)
- USA (1)