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This study seeks scientometric, content and co-occurrence analysis of systematic review and Meta-analysis articles in the feld of gamifcation in education. In terms of purpose, this is an applied study and regarding type, it is a scientometric and co�occurrence analysis. The researchers conducted a search in WoS, Scopus and Pub�Med databases. The abstract and full text of 25 out of 71 articles were selected to be included in the study. Then, the citation and altmetrics indicators were...
Clickers, formerly known as instant response systems, have gradually become an integral part of the classroom. Though several reviews on research into clicker-integrated instruction have been published within this decade, the controversy over whether clickerintegrated instruction is effective to enhance students' learning gains has not been settled because the early reviews mainly focus on students' perceptions toward and acceptance of clicker-integrated instruction. Furthermore, so far...
Giving a student control over their learning has theoretical and intuitive appeal, but its effects are neither powerful nor consistent in the empirical literature base. This meta-analysis updated previous meta-analytic research by Niemiec, Sikorski, and Walberg by studying the overall effectiveness of providing learner control within educational technology, the characteristics of instruction along the continuum of learner control, and elements of the instructional environments that may play...
A meta-analysis was performed to synthesize existing research comparing the effects of computerassisted instruction (CAI) versus traditional instruction (TI) on studentsÕ achievement in Taiwan. Fiftytwo studies were located from our sources, and their quantitative data was transformed into effect size (ES). The overall grand mean of the study-weighted ES for all 52 studies was 0.55. The results suggest that CAI is more effective than TI in Taiwan. In addition, two of the seventeen variables...
Outcome measure
- Behaviour (1)
- Engagement (1)
- Learning (5)
- Motivation (1)
Instructional domain (subject)
Groups of students
- _No mention (2)
- At-risk (1)
- Low socio-economic status (1)
Moderating variables
- Assessments (1)
- Country / culture (1)
- Design-type/ testing instruments (1)
- Feedback (1)
- Grade/education level (2)
- Length of time
- Multiple exposures (2)
- Novelty Effect (1)
- Peer involvement/group learning (1)
- Subject (3)
- Teacher pedagogy/implementation (1)
- Tech structure (1)
- Type of instruction methods (student/teacher centered) (1)
Tech Hardware
- Computer (2)
- Laptops (1)
- Multimedia (1 or more) (2)
Tech Software
Tech mechanism
Learning Approach
- Blended learning (1)
- Classroom learning (4)
- Remote learning (1)
Teacher Pedagogy
- _No mention (1)
- Collaboration (1)
- Feedback (1)
- Group learning (2)
- Individualised (1)
- Peer learning (1)
- Project-based learning (1)
- Scaffolding (1)
- Self-paced (no teacher) (1)
Research methods
Effect size/ heterogeneity
- HIC (high income) (2)
- LMIC (middle/low) (1)
- Mixture or unknown (2)
Quality of research
Geography if specific
- _no mention (1)
- Taiwan (1)
- USA (1)