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Language abilities in the early years are a strong predictor of children’s success in school. However, a considerable number of children enter school with poor language skills. Therefore, one of the most important but also challenging mandates of early childhood education and care [ECEC] is to promote these skills before school enrolment. Meta-analytic evidence suggests that shared book reading is a valuable tool to narrow this gap in the early years. In the digital age, ebooks might offer...
As a learner-centered approach, technology-facilitated personalized learning has received increasing attention in the field of education. However, it is not clear whether technology-facilitated personalized learning is effective for both learning achievements and learning perceptions. This study aims to close the research gaps and examine the effect sizes of technology-facilitated personalized learning on learning achievements and learning perceptions from 2001 to 2020. In total, 34...
The current study utilized a strategic search approach based on publishing trends, instructional, research methodological components, research emphasis, and adaptive techniques and technology, During the last one decade, several peer-reviewed articles have addressed to different dimensions of this domain area. However, there is a lack of a comprehensive and systematic narrative which can portray a review of studies and literature on this subject. This paper is an attempt to review the...
Previous empirical studies on the effect of scaffolding in game-based learning environments have shown inconsistent findings. In this study, we conducted a meta-analysis to examine the effect of scaffolding in digital game-based learning (DGBL) and to explore a range of moderating factors that may have contributed to the inconsistencies of primary studies. We used the three-level meta-analysis method to analyze the data for handling data non-dependency issues of multiple effect sizes in one...
The technological developments of the twenty-first century have enabled the emergence of alternative teaching-learning models and instructional tools. One of the concepts brought about by such developments is mobile learning. The aim of this study was to test the effect of mobile learning on students’ mathematics achievement. A systematic database search that included the Academic Search Complete, Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), EBSCO, JSTOR, ScienceDirect, Taylor & Francis...
Digital learning technologies offer many opportunities to personalize instruction and learning in K-12 and higher education. In the last ten years, a growing body of research described personalized feedback implementations and investigated their effects on educational outcomes. Building on personalized education and adaptive learning systems models, this review provides an analytic framework to summarize key features of personalized feedback implementations and main empirical results. The...
This study seeks scientometric, content and co-occurrence analysis of systematic review and Meta-analysis articles in the feld of gamifcation in education. In terms of purpose, this is an applied study and regarding type, it is a scientometric and co�occurrence analysis. The researchers conducted a search in WoS, Scopus and Pub�Med databases. The abstract and full text of 25 out of 71 articles were selected to be included in the study. Then, the citation and altmetrics indicators were...
Background: The array of availability of diverse digital reading applications, the mixed results emerging from small-scale experimental studies, as well as the long-standing tradition and range of known positive developmental outcomes gained from adultchild storybook reading warrant an investigation into electronic storybooks (e-books) by performing a meta-analysis, which includes recent studies.
Global emergency remote education in secondary schools during the COVID-19 pandemic
This article presents a systematic review of literature that explores the educational value of the Internet in the home for school aged children. Research published between 2008 and 2018 was examined and 67 items were analyzed. A range of positive, negative and neutral correlations or outcomes of home Internet use were identified across the three functions of education; academic achievement and skills, developing the individual and socialization. Overall, there were significantly more...
Digital technology offers the potential to address educational challenges in resource-poor settings. This meta-analysis examines the impact of students' use of technology that personalises and adapt...
For almost 20 years, Open Educational Resources (OER) are an integral part of the debate about the digitisation of education. However, the empirical landscape of OER research is vivid and largely obscure. This article reviews the state of international empirical research on OER to reveal trends and gaps and, in this manner, identify possible desiderata for further research. We use a systematic mapping approach to examine the empirical English-speaking research landscape from 2015 to 2019....
This meta-analysis examines the inconsistent findings across experimental studies that compared children’s learning outcomes with digital and paper books. We quantitatively reviewed 39 studies reported in 30 articles (n = 1,812 children) and compared children’s story comprehension and vocabulary learning in relation to medium (reading on paper versus on-screen), design enhancements in digital books, the presence of a dictionary, and adult support for children aged between 1 and 8 years. The...
In prevention science and related fields, large meta-analyses are common, and these analyses often involve dependent effect size estimates. Robust variance estimation (RVE) methods provide a way to include all dependent effect sizes in a single meta-regression model, even when the exact form of the dependence is unknown. RVE uses a working model of the dependence structure, but the two currently available working models are limited to each describing a single type of dependence. Drawing on...
This meta-analysis extended the current literature regarding the effects of computer technology (CT) on mathematics achievement, with a particular focus on low-performing students. A total of 45 independent effect sizes extracted from 31 empirical studies based on a total of 2,044 low-performing students in K-12 classrooms were included in this meta-analysis. Consistent with previous reviews, this study suggested a statistically significant and positive effect of CT ([Formula: see...
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of digital stories on academic achievement. In order to achieve this purpose, meta analysis method was used in the study. Within the scope of the study, ERIC, Google Academic, YÖK Thesis Center, ProQuest, Science Direct and ULAKBİM databases were scanned and 23 studies (10 theses, 13 articles) were included in the meta-analysis using the criteria determined by the researchers. Cochran’s X2 (Q = 285,155, p < .05) test was conducted to test...
The present article attempts to reinterpret the findings of most recent studies investigating effect of using games for teaching purposes. A methodological approach combining a meta-analysis of quantitative data with qualitative ones was adopted in order to present the broadest picture of the current research on educational use of games. To this end, we conducted a meta-analysis of 180 effect size comparisons out of 154 empirical studies on the effect of both digital and non-digital games on...
Outcome measure
- Attitudes (3)
- Behaviour (6)
- Engagement (3)
- Learning (68)
- Motivation (5)
- Qualification (1)
- Socio-emotional learning (3)
Instructional domain (subject)
- Computing (5)
- Languages (3)
- Literacy (22)
- Mathematics (21)
- Multiple (29)
- Physical activity (1)
- Science (13)
- Social Studies (6)
- STEM (5)
Education Level and Type
- ECE 0-7 (14)
- High school 16-18 (12)
- Informal education (6)
- K-12 (38)
- Middle school (6)
- Primary 7-10 (21)
- Secondary 11-16 (16)
- Tertiary (23)
Groups of students
- _No mention (9)
- At-risk (7)
- EAL (7)
- Examination years (2)
- Gifted students (1)
- Learning difficulties (8)
- Low-performing (11)
- Low socio-economic status (10)
- SEND (15)
- typically-developing students (4)
School or home
- _No mention (7)
- Home (5)
- Mixture (7)
- School (33)
Moderating variables
- __ no obvious moderating variables (8)
- Assessments (4)
- Attainment level of students (2)
- Class size (1)
- Country / culture (3)
- Design-type/ testing instruments (15)
- Ethnicity (1)
- Feedback (3)
- Gender (3)
- Grade/education level (15)
- Implementation fidelity (1)
- IQ (1)
- Length of time (25)
- Multiple exposures (7)
- Novelty Effect (5)
- Parent/carer involvement (2)
- Peer involvement/group learning (8)
- School-level factors (4)
- SEND (3)
- Socio-economic status (1)
- Student characteristics (7)
- Subject (8)
- Teacher involvement (18)
- Teacher pedagogy/implementation (4)
- Teacher professional development (5)
- Tech structure (11)
- Type of instruction methods (student/teacher centered) (7)
- Type of knowledge or task (exposing, procedural, active, etc (7)
Tech Hardware
- Assistive Devices for SEND (1)
- CD ROM/ DVD (4)
- Computer (41)
- E-book hardware - e.g. kindle (5)
- Handheld device (8)
- Infrastructure (2)
- Interactive whiteboards (4)
- Internet (4)
- Laptops (2)
- Mobile/Smartphone (5)
- Multimedia (1 or more) (21)
- Radio (1)
- Tablet (8)
- Touch-screen (3)
- TV (2)
Tech Software
- Audio books (3)
- Augmented Reality (3)
- Building blocks (1)
- Clicker-integrated instruction (1)
- Computer Algebra Systems (2)
- Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) (25)
- Computer-Based Teaching (CBT) (10)
- Digital Media (audiovisuals) (8)
- Dynamic Geometry Software (1)
- E-book software (8)
- Game learning (16)
- General apps (13)
- Graphic organisers/Visualisations (7)
- Intelligent Tutoring (3)
- LMS (4)
- Robotics (1)
- Serious games (4)
- Simulations (10)
- Tutorials (4)
- Virtual manipulatives (3)
- Virtual Reality (6)
- Word processor (3)
Tech mechanism
- _No mention (12)
- Cooperative learning (e.g. discussion areas) (4)
- Direct instruction (2)
- Drill and practice (3)
- Feedback (16)
- Gamification (13)
- Graphic modelling (2)
- Instructional supports/Demos: worked out examples (12)
- Multimedia effects (4)
- Personalization effect (3)
- Research/Homework/Assignments (1)
- Scaffolding/Varying difficulty levels (11)
- Virtual pen and notetaking (1)
Learning Approach
- _No mention (11)
- Blended learning (7)
- Classroom learning (30)
- Remote learning (6)
Teacher Pedagogy
- _No mention (13)
- Collaboration (8)
- Feedback (7)
- Flipped classroom (1)
- Game-based learning (8)
- Group learning (10)
- Individualised (1)
- PC mixed with real objects (2)
- Peer learning (5)
- Project-based learning (1)
- Scaffolding (9)
- Self-paced (no teacher) (1)
Research methods
Effect size/ heterogeneity
- HIC (high income) (17)
- LMIC (middle/low) (3)
- Mixture or unknown (41)
Quality of research
- High: 6+ (36)
- Low: 3 or below (3)
- Medium: 4 or above (21)