The Effects of Using Realia Media on Increasing Science Learning Outcomes of Elementary School Students: A Meta-Analysis

Resource type
Conference Paper
The Effects of Using Realia Media on Increasing Science Learning Outcomes of Elementary School Students: A Meta-Analysis
The aimed of this study was to examine how much are the effects of using realia media in increasing science learning outcomes of elementary school students with meta-analysis design. Metaanalysis is a secondary analysis after other researchers have done their own analyses, allowing the meta-analyzer to go beyond what had been accomplished in the past. Steps of meta-analysis are formulating a problem for meta-analysis, searching literature, evaluating literature, statistically analyzing effect size and reporting the result(s) of the meta-analysis. To perform a meta-analysis, the researcher computes an effect size and variance for each study and then computes a weighted mean of these effect sizes. Effect size is a measure of strength in the meta-analysis. Data collection employed documentation techniques. The population/sample in this research was all written documents about the Effects of using Realia Media on increasing science learning outcomes of elementary school students. The written documents were articles. Data or information obtained from each sample was determined based on its compatibility with the theme of this research. Through the utilization of realia media around the student learning environment, students are able to create an effective and efficient learning atmosphere. From the results by using the comparative descriptive analysis with percentage showed a significant effects of using realia media to the students' classical outcomes in science learning.
Proceedings Title
Proceedings of the 2019 7th International Conference on Information and Education Technology - ICIET 2019
Conference Name
the 2019 7th International Conference
Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan
ACM Press
Short Title
The Effects of Using Realia Media on Increasing Science Learning Outcomes of Elementary School Students
27/09/2022, 11:53
Library Catalogue (Crossref)
Lalian, O. N., Siregar, E., & Winarsih, M. (2019). The Effects of Using Realia Media on Increasing Science Learning Outcomes of Elementary School Students: A Meta-Analysis. Proceedings of the 2019 7th International Conference on Information and Education Technology  - ICIET 2019, 1–4.
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